Thursday, August 31, 2017

Megagen Implants | Megagen Anyridge Implants | Dr.Rajat Sachdeva | Denta...

AnyRidge is the first #implant system to introduce the concept of progressive thread design. It's a game changer.

More Cortical Bone Preservation
Advanced coronal design allows maximum cortical bone conservation around implants. Beyond osseointegration, AnyRidge can assure a beautiful gingival line.
The 5 ° morse taper connection provides a perfect hermetic seal and virtually eliminates the screw loosening.
Implants do not lose stability in the first few weeks - less operations and faster possible final fixation .
Faster osteointegration due to #XPEEDcoating (#osseointegration for only 4-6 weeks)
Smaller #osteotomy maintains significantly cortical plate. Maintains gum thickness ,
Unique #KnifeThread - Round faced and narrow thread design. Less insertion torque. Excellent initial stabilization. Resistance to #compressive force. Minimal shear force creation. Higher #BIC..
Common platform irrespective of the size of the implant. - All spacers and implants are interconnected.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Smiles by Dr.Rajat | digital smile designing | Smilemakeovers | dentist ...

“A beautiful #smile is worth a thousand words & is the physical trait that most people notice upon” I love helping my #patients achieve their #oralhealth goals and love sharing their smile stories with my friends.Thanks a lot Ranjini for the lovely #feedback  . #smilestories #smilesbyrajat #drrajatsachdeva#leveraging the latest Innovation #DSD #optimal #teethforms and #positions #RejuvenatedSmile #PAINLESS #efficient #precise #foreseeable, #predictable #happypatient #PersonalizedSmile. Last but not least, to see the final result makes you happy before the #treatment, and You will become #confident, if you know what to expect.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Friday, August 18, 2017


Finally We are #AERB Certified ,Clinical Establishment Act Standards
for #Dental Hospitals.
The mission Dr.#Sachdeva's #DentalInstitute is to ensure the use of#ionizingradiation and #nuclearenergy in India does not cause undue risk to the health of #people and the #environment.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Implant Prosthodontics | Master Clinical Implant Training 65th batch | ...

The #Implants course is designed to promote exceptional skills to #surgeonswho wish to acquire superior #implantdental techniques. Our faculty has extensive implant experience and are experts in educating you with the latest innovations. This intensive course gives you the opportunity and confidence to practice innovative approaches to #boneregeneration#tissueengineering#sinuslifttechniques, implant placement, and other surgical procedures #16differentimplantsystems #allon4 #fullmouth #immediateimplants #prf#megagenanyridgeimplants