Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

Root canals of teeth is a hollow present in the core of the tooth itself. They is nestled vascular nerve bundle that gives "life" of each tooth. When the nerves and blood vessels are healthy tooth is vital.
Involvement and thus inflammation of the nerve may occur as a result of deep caries, tooth fracture, severe trauma and other conditions. When the pulp is no longer protected, millions of bacteria present in the oral cavity easily enters through the root canal and reach the jaw bones. As a result, there was obtained an inflammatory process, leading to swelling, pain, "melting" of the bone, high body temperature, and others. This condition is called periodontitis, and may lead to loss of the tooth. If the dentist decides that the tooth can be saved, performed root-canal treatment.
pulpitis and periodontitis
Procedure in the treatment of root-canal system of the tooth is very precise and complex. It should be performed by an experienced dentist.
The first stage of the treatment consists of a wide opening of the tooth for better engine access.
A key point is the location of all the root canal and to determine their exact depth in millimeters. At  Dr.Sachdeva's Dental Aesthetic & Implant Centre, RCT  is done by using apex locator that gives absolutely accurate data on the length of the channel and thus helps in the treatment of the tooth.
In the course of the treatment are made with special rinses irrigating solutions which terminates the process of inflammation.
Once you achieve absolute sterility of the channels, they are filled with paste and gutta-percha and the tooth is sealed ends with sealing or attaching the crown.

Is teeth whitening safe ????

Is teeth whitening safe ????

Most people do not like the color of your teeth and have a desire to become more white and beautiful. The question of whether teeth whitening is harmful or harmless procedure is obscure to them. Before you answer the question you should be familiar with the types of whitening systems and agents for teeth.
 To date, the "market" is offering all kinds of teeth whitening products: strips, gels and  pens. This type of bleaching products are less efficient, because the amount of the whitening agent is much less than that in occupational whitening.
Another major problem with these is that in the bleaching process may have areas where more agent and those with less. A difference in color (tan) of the teeth.
With this type of tooth whitening very common unpleasant effect is pain and tenderness in the teeth and gums, is not transmitted for a long time.
 Professional or even so-called office whitening systems like (ZOOM TEETH WHITENING)  are the most secure way to implement the operation. In this type of systems, the bleaching of teeth is itself controlled by a dentist and also avoids the above unpleasant consequences.
Through professional teeth whitening avoids pain in the teeth and gums after the procedure. Inside the office systems have gingival protectors, which are applied before the bleaching agent . After the procedure the teeth are coated with desensitizing gel and so they are protected.
 Bleaching agent systems teeth whitening is hydrogen peroxide. It is concentrated with different products and your dentist will determine which system is best suited for the chosen effect.
 In conclusion, we must conclude that teeth whitening is a safe procedure as long as it is done by a good dentist and the system used for professional teeth whitening.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Myths and Truths about Bad breath.

                                        Myths and Truths about bad breath

Myths and Truths about bad breath : By Dr. Rajat Sachdeva 
1)  There are different types of Halitosis. TRUTH: There is physiologic halitosis or sporadic, which appears at a certain time of day (usually immediately after awakening), and chronic or pathological, which is persistent and may annoy enough. Both can be treated: halitosis possible with simple hygiene measures and individualized guidance, and constant halitosis treatment that shows results from three to six weeks
2) The person suffers from bad breath because it makes proper hygiene. TRUTH: in most cases, bad breath originates in the mouth itself, particularly in the region located between the teeth and also on the dorsum of the tongue. These sites will accumulate plaque and debris from cells that slough off the tongue epithelium. Result: no bacterial growth and fermentation of waste odor (sulfur).
3)  Problems gums cause bad smell in the mouth. TRUTH: the prevention of periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis, is one of the best ways to avoid bad breath. For this you must use dental floss correctly. Ideally do this daily after meals. In teeth with larger spaces between them, replace the floss for interdental brush.
4)  Bad breath comes from the stomach. MYTH: halitosis from the stomach is a rare condition, most people believed to have halitosis because it suffers from gastritis. What happens is that patients with gastritis have a reduced salivary flow and hence increased possibility of formation of tongue coating. The origin of bad breath stomach is only common in episodes such as vomiting, regurgitation or belching.
5)  To avoid bad breath you must clean their teeth and tongue. TRUTH: oral hygiene is not just limited to the habit of brushing their teeth.The use of interdental brushes and plastic scrapers for language are essential. The tongue scraper should be used daily to remove the coating (white yellowish thick plate attached on the back of the tongue). The movement of the tongue cleaning should be in the region posterior to the anterior, without much pressure not to cause injury. This is the most important and effective action to combat bad breath and the differences can be noticed after the first applications. For a more thorough cleaning, the only way to remove plaque and tartar buildup with scaling and polishing is carried out by experienced personnel
6)  Prolonged fasting alters the breath. TRUTH: stay long without eating causes a mechanism similar to that generated during sleep. The body needs to produce energy constantly, and fasting periods, there is little glucose available as fuel. The body then starts to burn fat, which leads to the production of ketone bodies, substances with strong odor that are eliminated by the lungs.
7)  Mouthwash is good for fighting bad breath. HALF TRUTH: most products on the market has a positive effect on the disorder. And if the mouthwash has alcohol in their formulation, the problem will worsen due to the dryness that causes, increasing cell desquamation, decreased salivary flow and favoring the formation of tongue coating. There is a mouthwash with manipulated properties to fight bad breath. But the use must be very restricted, and preferably prescribed by a dentist trained to meet this problem.
8)  Bad breath is a problem without a cure. MYTH: the disorder is treated in approximately 100% of cases. However, it is essential to understand that, not to have more halitosis, the individual will have to adopt new habits of hygiene, nutrition and life forever. Monitoring and supervision of a dentist specialist is essential.
9)  Candy and chewing gum mask the disorder. MYTH: they mask bad breath for very short periods and sometimes even exacerbate the problem. Self-medication and the use of homemade formulas should also be avoided
10)  Who is the dysfunction is the dentist. TRUTH: the diagnosis should be done by the dentist through the patient's medical history with the application of a detailed history, quiz questions, evaluation of symptoms. Initial investigation includes detailed examination of the mouth, tongue and part dental, signs of poor hygiene, gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as tongue coating. Methods for diagnosis are modern, with devices that measure since salivary flow rate and breath up to the amount of volatile sulfur compounds in the mouth. In some cases, you may need the intervention of an otolaryngologist, audiologist, psychiatrist and psychologist
11)  Stress causes the disorder. TRUTH: nervousness is a major contributor to halitosis, because the emotional factor can be directly related to the reduction or even interruption of salivary flow. The lack of salivation and dry mouth (xerostomia) increase mucosal sloughing, decrease self cleaning the mouth and halitosis favor by increased release of volatile sulfur compounds. The salivary gland activity depends, among other factors, the balance of the central nervous system. Stressed people often have unbalanced power and very long intervals between meals and worsen. It is possible that such individuals suffer, yet, what we call antiperistaltismo esophagus: the saliva swallowed back into the back of the tongue and remains stuck there, facilitating the adherence of dead cells and food debris.
12)  There are toothpastes that solve the problem. MYTH: they are only supporting the hygiene of the mouth and, just as antiseptics, offer a momentary feeling of fresh breath and enjoyable. However, this effect is lost in a short time.
13)  If I feel bad taste in the mouth, it is because I have bad breath. MYTH: In bad breath pathological, usually the carrier does not notice the problem because the olfactory cells adapt to the odor of tolerance. I mean, in a short time the patient gets used to own bad breath and can not recognize it yourself, it is essential to seek professional trust and talk openly about the issue.
14)  The power interferes with mouth odor. TRUTH: bad breath can occur transiently with the intake of very fatty meats, fried foods, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions and peppers. It is recommended to give preference to skimmed milk and white cheese or ricotta, avoid alcohol and smoking during treatment. And further, drink water and carbohydrates. Meals rich in carrots, apples and other fibrous items aid in self-cleaning of the teeth and the gum line.
15)  The best way to know if I have bad breath is to ask someone close. TRUTH: a close relative or a true friend can help, revealing the disorder for those who have it. It's worth asking for a confidant at different times throughout the day.
16)  The lack of saliva in the mouth is one of the factors that cause the problem. TRUTH: the reduction or total cessation of salivation is directly related to the existence of halitosis. In these cases, you will need some treatment to restore the flow of saliva and / or use of lubricating substances that behave like a artificial.O saliva dry mouth can be detonated by numerous factors such as snoring, mouth breathing, nasal obstruction and excessive stress and continuous. And yet, as a side effect of drugs like tranquilizers, antidepressants, appetite suppressants, tranquilizers, anti-hypertensive and anti-allergic
17)  Bad breath can cause many emotional problems. TRUTH: the mere presence of bad breath can cause emotional damage. The most common are insecure when approaching people, depression, difficulty in establishing romantic relationships, cooling of the relationship between the couple, resistance to smile and laugh, anxiety, low job performance and weak self-esteem.