Monday, December 18, 2017

Dr.Murugavel MDS Sharing his views for PRF Training course | growth fact...

rich plasma and platelet rich fibrin
rich plasma
a ground breaking non operative treatment option that relieves pain by
naturally promoting long lasting healing of musculoskeletal condition .The
platelet rich plasma injections  is a rapidly
emerging techniques shows promising potential for many conditions.
is used to deliver growth factor in
high concentration to the site of the bone defect or at the region requiring
gel contains high concentration of platelets
and native concentration of fibrinogens.
alpha granules of platelets
constitutes high concentration of growth factors. Growth factor released from
platelet derived growth factors are
Ø Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)
Ø Transforming growth  factor (TGF)
Ø Platelet derived growth endothelial
growth factor (PDGEF)
Ø Platelet derived angiogenesis factor (PDAF)
Ø Insulin like growth factor (IGF-1)

Ø Platelet factor 4(PF-4)

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