Dr. Rajat having 12 years of experience in private dental practice.Fellowship from the American Academy of Dentofacial Implant Dentistry, New York, USA. Fellow the International Institute of Replacement Therapy, 2012 and presented over 1000 cases in implant modalities 2004 (London) Advanced training in Occlusion the Institute of L D Pankey Association, Master training in Implantology with CE 1500 hours of training from the Tatum Implant & Reconstructive Surgery Institute
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Testimonial from Live Implant Dental Courses l 79th Batch of Live Implan...
A walk through of the Live Implant Training institute. If you are interested in attending our course of have any question, call : +919818894041 or visit www.dentalcoursesdelhi.com.
Train with our team of board certified specialists and master implantologists. Our LIVE patient implant surgical training programs allow you to gain real life hands on surgical training, where YOU place the implants on your own patients or ones provided.
You will acquire the science based knowledge and confidence to place and restore dental implants, tackle sinus lifts, and even perform All-On-4 full mouth immediate load rehabilitation. Start today, there is a course near you. Call +9818894041
"Knowledgeable, patient, and most importantly, extremely passionate about teaching! That's Dr. Rajat. He definitely has an edge and a unique ability to relate to his Dr. students in a way that will leave you absorbing the information like a sponge.
Credit to his determination and vision . The live Patient Implant course really helps instill the confidence and proficiency to dentists placing implants."
- Dr. Balpreet BDS Delhi
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Laser dentistry in Delhi | Painless Dental Treatment with Dental Lasers ...
If you are interested in a new, fresh approach to dental care, consider laser dentistry.
At Dr.Sachdeva's Dental Care, we use laser dentistry to treat our patients’ oral health concerns in a way that is comfortable and effective.
When you visit our Dental Care, you can count on us to provide you with the highest quality of dental care and do so in a way that is relaxing and comfortable.
By offering laser dental treatments, we eliminate the vibration, heat and pressure that generally causes discomfort during dental procedures. In fact, we even offer fillings without the need to use a drill.
Laser dentistry is used in our office so that we can achieve our goal of keeping you comfortable. The technology is continuing to change and improve so if there are procedures that we are still using traditional dental tools for, we expect all or most of them to eventually be done using lasers.
For now, we have implemented the use of lasers in our procedures to place dental veneers, fillings, crowns, dental implants, to whiten teeth, and treat gum disease, among others. If you want to learn more about how we use laser technology currently, call and schedule an appointment with our dental office.
As a laser dentist in Delhi, we use lasers in the majority of our procedures so that we can correct damage without causing irritation. We invite you to call +919818894041 and experience the difference that laser dentistry can make.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Botox for your TMJ (tempero mandibular joint) by Dr.Rajat Sachdeva | TMJ...
Temporomandibular joint pain or TMJ pain is common. Botox injections can help patients who have not improved with simpler treatments.
Temporomandibular disorder is a common cause of chronic facial pain and is known to interfere with personal relations, professional duties, and overall quality of life. Appropriate diagnosis allows physicians to identify the disorder and initiate an effective therapeutic plan. Botulinum toxin can provide long-term relief of TMD by reducing the intensity, frequency, and duration of recurrent episodes. Adverse effects from BoNT injections are uncommon, mild and transient making it an attractive option for adjunctive therapy for myofascial TMD in patients who have failed initial conservative therapy and systemic pharmacotherapy.
Monday, October 29, 2018
Cosmetic smile makeover | laser dental treatment in delhi | Painless de...
Improve Your Confidence & Image With The Smile of Your Dreams!
Creating and maintaining a healthy and contagious smile is our ultimate goal for all our patients, while remaining true to their personal dental objectives.
Our award-winning cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as veneers, Invisalign® invisible braces, dental implants, laser teeth whitening, and our full Smile Makeover all begin with a Smile Analysis to understand your goals and then educate you on options available to achieve them.
Our general dentistry options are used to restore and maintain your oral health, and to provide a solid base upon which to add cosmetics, thus insuring your best return on your investment.
Patient sharing his views after getting a cosmetic smile makeover :
Excellent care! Excellent team! Dr. Rajat has the knowledge, skill, and artistry to deliver great dental care!
My last visit with Dr. Rajat was as always - superb! I had a lot of work done both perfectly and painlessly, and with great patience and compassion on his part.
The entire staff is wonderful, and the atmosphere both friendly and comfortable.
All in all, it is unlike any other dental practice I have ever visited. I have referred friends to Dr. Rajat (and will continue to do so with great enthusiasm). I can honestly say that I no longer dread going to the dentist, in fact I actually look forward .
He is honest and truly cares about his patients!
Call now to book your appointment : +919818894041
Email : drrajatscahdeva@gmail.com
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Friday, October 5, 2018
Cosmetic Smile Makeover | Digital Smile Design | Dental treatment In delhi
Just in time for his birthday, as promised. New teeth to celebrate.
Wishing our patient Abhishek all the very best as he heads back home to Canads with a new smile #SachdevaDental #DentalImplants #CosmeticDentist #SmileMakeover #DentalTourism #DentistDelhi #DentistGurgaon #Smile .
#dentist #dentists #dental #smile #smilemakeover #tooth #toothless #teeth #implant #implantologist #dentistry #prosthodontist #oldagedentistry #dentistindelhi #dentaltourism #RestorativeDentistry #Aesthetics #HappySmiles #smilebyrajat#discoloration #whiteteeth #drrajatsachdeva #laughter #laugh
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Dry Mouth Treatment in delhi | Xerostomia | Tips to manage dry mouth
Dry mouth occurs when there is not enough saliva, or spit to keep your mouth moist and comfortable. Dry mouth is not a disease. It is a side effect of taking medications or can be a symptom of certain diseases or conditions.
Dry mouth is a common complaint among st older adults but can occur at any age. It is not a normal sign of aging.
For more details Contact : Dr.Rajat Sachdeva
wisdom teeth removal | Tooth decay | Pericoronitis | Dental Clinic in delhi
#WisdomTeeth usually develop in young adults. Wisdom teeth can present challenges because they can be very difficult to keep clean, can be painful, or there may not be enough room for them in the mouth and they’re therefore highly susceptible to #toothdecay, infection, and #gumdisease. About 65% of the population will develop wisdom teeth between ages 12 and 15.
Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Call Us Today!
Friday, September 28, 2018
Tooth Implant In Delhi | Dental Implantologists in North Delhi | Dental ...
Dr.Sachdeva's Dental Institute is known to be a centre of excellence for dental implants, thanks to a combination of our fully trained staff and certified #implantologists as well as the quality of excellent equipment we use.
A #dentalimplant is an artificial tooth replacement that generally serves two purposes. They are either cosmetic or #prosthetics used to counteract a patient's tooth loss. Dental implants are gaining popularity because they are a more stable, comfortable and long lasting method for the replacement of missing teeth.
Dental Implants can be done for the following reasons:
Missing teeth
Poor nutrition and oral care
Tooth decay
Trauma or an accident
Excessive wear and tear
Failed root canals
Gum disease
Birth defects
For more info. call 01142464041 or +919818894041
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Full mouth implants surgeries in delhi | facts about dental implants | ...
Dental implants will encourage healthy teeth and bones.
In the past, you will either need removable appliances like dentures or partial dentures, or fixed dental bridges that need to be anchored to nearby teeth to replace several or all your teeth.
What are the benefits of #dentalimplants? They allow the dentist to create a stable replacement for missing teeth without involving the use or preparation of adjacent natural teeth. Also, when used to stabilize a denture, implants give the denture a retentiveness ability that cannot be achieved through other means.
Once #dentalimplants are installed, they typically last between fifteen and twenty years, sometimes more. If they are taken care of properly, they can last a lifetime.
The implants are made of various metals; such as titanium. They may also be made of various ceramic products; such as zirconium. The outside surface of the implant can be coated with a different type of material to aid in the bonding of the bone to the implant.
Most people who have missing teeth are ideal candidates for dental implants. There are a few rare medical problems that might eliminate a person from being a candidate for implants, but each case, of course, has to be evaluated on an individual basis.
To book your appointment call 01142464041
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Painless laser dental treatment in Delhi | Laser dentistry in delhi | l...
Happy #Lasing #Lasertechnology has revolutionized processes in various fields of medicine and is now poised to change the future of #dentistry as well.
we pride ourselves in constantly remaining abreast of the latest technologies so that we can offer you our best #dental services.
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
DRY SOCKET TREATMENT | Dry Socket Wisdom Teeth Symptoms | How To Preven...
Dry socket!
The most dreaded thing that most patients ask me during the consultation. Everyone seemingly knows about dry socket. What is dry socket? Well, its really the inflammation of the bone in the extraction site, the bone that used to support the extracted tooth. Typically when a tooth is extracted, a blood clot is formed in the socket, that acts as a “band aid” to protect the underlying bone. This blood clot will eventually reorganize, mature and turn into bone, if it is not dislodged.
The next time you have an extraction, wisdom tooth extraction….ask your doctor, are they packing the extraction site with collagen? Trust me, it will only help your body recover faster and prevent the dreaded dry socket.
For more information, you can book an appointment at
Dr Sachdeva's Dental Aesthetic And Implant Institute,
I 101, Ashok Vihar Phase 1, Delhi- 110052
Contact us at
• Phone : +919818894041,01142464041
• Our Websites:
• www.sachdevadentalcare.com
• www.dentalclinicindelhi.com
• www.dentalimplantindia.co.in
• www.dentalcoursesdelhi.com
• www.facialaestheticsdelhi.com
• Google+ link: https://goo.gl/vqAmvr
• Facebook link: https://goo.gl/tui98A
• Youtube link: https://goo.gl/mk7jfm
• Linkedin link: https://goo.gl/PrPgpB
• Slideshare link : http://goo.gl/0HY6ep
• Twitter Page : https://goo.gl/tohkcI
• Instagram page : https://goo.gl/OOGVig
Saturday, September 15, 2018
78th batch live patient implants training | Dental Implants training | N...
#Dentalimplants are a fast growing area of dentistry that transforms patients’ lives. If you are considering building the dental implant restoration provision at your practice we offer an ideal, safe opportunity through expert mentoring, tailored training, support and advice.
Dr.Rajat Sachdeva's Dental & Implant Institute in New Delhi supports dentists through a series of structured courses that take you through all aspects of the #dentalimplant process from early impression techniques for single implants, to multiple implants and over dentures. We also run a mentoring programme where you are welcome to bring your patients to us and watch us do the restoration or we work with you at your practice to assist you through a case if you and your patients would feel more comfortable.
Our dedicated referral and mentoring process is mutually beneficial. Your patients experience five star care, you are differentiated from your competition because you offer implant restoration, it adds value to your practice in terms of services provided and goodwill, and we are growing your knowledge and that of your team, which is great for personal development and job satisfaction.
For more information ;
Friday, September 14, 2018
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Training in Delhi | Dental courses in Delhi |
On Skills training For Minor Oral Surgery In General Dental Practice 🔹
Speaker: Dr.Rajat Sachdeva
This course will provide the opportunity to the general dental practitioners of further knowledge and hands on experience in minor oral surgical procedures.
More info -- http://www.sachdevadentalcare.com/oral-surgery.html
#OralSurgerytraining #generaldentistry#generaldentist #dentalcoursesdelhi#dentaltraining #handson#livepatienttraining
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Best Dental Clinic in North India | Patient Testimonial | Dental Clinic ...
Dr.Sachdeva's Dental Institute is an epitome of modern dentistry and our experienced team of #dentists in #northwestDelhi, along with our vast experience is what makes us one of the most trusted #Dental clinic in Delhi Led by Dr Rajat Sachdeva; an experienced dentist and leader with excellent credentials, our team boosts of highly trained dentist in delhi who work harmoniously in their respective fields to provide excellent results for each of our patients.
www.sachdevadentalcare.com +919818894041
#DentalDelhi #veneers #smile #smilealignmnent #dentistinindia #dentistindelhi #smiledesign #celeb #celebrity #celebritysmile
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Orthodontic treatment in delhi | dental cleaning during orthodontic trea...
Dental Cleaning During Orthodontic Treatment
Dental Cleaning During Orthodontic Treatment
Good dental hygiene is
essential for the overall health of the teeth. But while undergoing orthodontic treatment, it is even more vital. That's because
the braces, Invisalign aligners, and other orthodontic
appliances you
wear during treatment create nooks and crannies that can trap food and create
perfect hiding spots for bacteria and plaque, spelling bad news for teeth.
essential for the overall health of the teeth. But while undergoing orthodontic treatment, it is even more vital. That's because
the braces, Invisalign aligners, and other orthodontic
appliances you
wear during treatment create nooks and crannies that can trap food and create
perfect hiding spots for bacteria and plaque, spelling bad news for teeth.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Master Clinical Implants Training Testimonial for 76th Batch | Dental Im...
Congratulations Dr.Dhaval Lekhadia Orthodontist from #surat for completing master clinical #implants training #11livepatient surgeries #allon4#immediateimplants #sinuslifts #aestheticsinimplants #ridgespliting #PRF#16Implantsystems #softtissuegrafting #prostheticsin #implants Such a pleasure to be a part of your journey to place #implants with confidence & provide #comprehensive care for #patients. cheers and wish you lot of success.
Monday, July 23, 2018
MVI 3099
Dr.Rajat , MDS knows exactly how to help you with your implant dentistry needs.
Implants are permanent tooth replacements that offer the look and feel of your natural teeth. If you have any gaps from missing teeth, implants can restore your ability to chew and smile like no other procedure can.
Dental implants are an effective option for the right candidates and can assist in:
Providing support for dental bridges or dentures
Preventing teeth from shifting into open spaces
Creating 100% natural looking permanent teeth replacement
Providing a more durable option than dentures, bridges, or crowns
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
76th batch of live patient implants training
Implement step-by-step implant surgical protocols on
#livepatients under Supervision .
Basic To Advanced Implant Surgery Course .
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Early loss of milk teeth and its Management | Primary teeth management |
Early loss of #milkteeth and its Management
Primary teeth maintenance is essential for establishing normal permanent #occlusion. The premature loss of primary teeth is a potential risk factor for poor arch length development. Adequate arch length is important to the progression of the permanent teeth. Poor arch length can lead to crowding, ectopic eruption, or impaction of permanent teeth. Early loss of primary teeth is most commonly caused by inappropriate oral hygiene, dental injuries, and tooth decay.
For more details log on to :
Primary teeth maintenance is essential for establishing normal permanent #occlusion. The premature loss of primary teeth is a potential risk factor for poor arch length development. Adequate arch length is important to the progression of the permanent teeth. Poor arch length can lead to crowding, ectopic eruption, or impaction of permanent teeth. Early loss of primary teeth is most commonly caused by inappropriate oral hygiene, dental injuries, and tooth decay.
For more details log on to :
Early loss of milk teeth and its Management | Primary teeth management |
Early loss of #milkteeth and its Management
Primary teeth maintenance is essential for establishing normal permanent #occlusion. The premature loss of primary teeth is a potential risk factor for poor arch length development. Adequate arch length is important to the progression of the permanent teeth. Poor arch length can lead to crowding, ectopic eruption, or impaction of permanent teeth. Early loss of primary teeth is most commonly caused by inappropriate oral hygiene, dental injuries, and tooth decay.
For more details log on to :
Primary teeth maintenance is essential for establishing normal permanent #occlusion. The premature loss of primary teeth is a potential risk factor for poor arch length development. Adequate arch length is important to the progression of the permanent teeth. Poor arch length can lead to crowding, ectopic eruption, or impaction of permanent teeth. Early loss of primary teeth is most commonly caused by inappropriate oral hygiene, dental injuries, and tooth decay.
For more details log on to :
Let's teach the little ones to brush right and smile brighter!
Dr. Rajat Sachdeva along with his team visited Kidzee #preschool & had a lovely time interacting with the #kids about #
#oralhygiene and demonstrating them #brushingtechniques.
#oralhygiene and demonstrating them #brushingtechniques.
#dental #dentistry #dentaleducation #nursery #dentalcamps #mydelhi#dentalclinics #Dentistdelhi #dentalcamps #drrajatsachdeva #kidsdentistry#bethechange
#icreatesmiles #spreadingsmiles #dentistry #lifeofadentist #lovewhatido#grateful #blessed #lifestories #thankyouuniverse #positivevibesonly #worklife#workmode #dentalcare #healthymouth #dentalcamps #dentalstories
Baby teeth myths and facts | Why Do We Have Baby Teeth? | How do I brus...
About losing Milk Teeth: Myths and Facts
WE MIGHT THINK that baby teeth don’t matter because ‘they’re just going to fall out anyway,’ but think again! At Dr. Sachdeva’s Dental clinic, we counsel parents who think so and help them understand the importance of ‘Milk Teeth’. Baby teeth are an important part of child growth; they aid in speech development, proper chewing, and the formation of the child’s facial structure.
There are a lot of myths about baby teeth out there, so we’re going to set the record straight and debunk some of the common myths.
Log on to ; http://www.sachdevadentalcare.com/pediatric-dentistry-delhi-india.html
Saturday, May 19, 2018
74th batch of Clinical Implants Training | Testimonial | Nobel biocare i...
Dental Implant training testimonials from the participants
Learn #Blockgrafting and #Sinusgrafting Clinical training #LateralWindow approach #Ballooning technique #Hydraulicsinuslift technique #Intralift technique #PRF #Growthfactors #Bonering #Augmentation
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
74th batch implants training | Nobel Biocare | testimonial from the part...
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Dental Camp at Tamana Special School by DAYA Foundation | Dental Camps i...
Dental Health Awareness Program ;
when learning proves to be multi directional.... it was not just another morning at Dr.Sachdeva's Dental Institute as we held our #dental awareness camp at tamanna special school vasant vihar.
As a part of our Community Dental Health Services, we provide Dental Health Awareness checkup programs and lectures to schools and institutions.
Key Benefits:
Understand the importance of Oral Health Hygiene.
Interactive learning of Dental Health using lectures/presentations.
Learn Steps to Prevent Dental Diseases at the early stage.
Interactive learning of Dental Health using lectures/presentations.
Learn Steps to Prevent Dental Diseases at the early stage.
we proudly associated ourselves with a school that matches our ideology and works for the well being of its beneficiaries with empathy, love and extreme care.... feelings of gratitude fill my mind space today and for many days to come.
Regards Dr.Rajat sachdeva and team
Regards Dr.Rajat sachdeva and team

Kindly contact us to conduct a Dental Awareness Program at your Premises. +9198188894041
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
DAYA Foundation Dental Camp at Tamana special school | Dental Camp for s...
when learning proves to be multi directional.... it was not just another morning at Dr.Sachdeva's Dental Institute as we held our #dental awareness camp at tamanna special school vasant vihar. we proudly associated ourselves with a school that matches our ideology and works for the well being of its beneficiaries with empathy, love and extreme care.... feelings of gratitude fill my mind space today and for many days to come. Regards Dr.Rajat sachdeva and team

Monday, May 7, 2018
Dental Camp for Akshar nursery school | DAYA FOUNDATION | Dental Camps D...
Children should grow up smiling! #DAYA FOUNDATION conducted a #dentalcamp at akshar nursery school,where the pre-schoolers were educated on the importance of #brushing and how to brush.we believe BRIGHT #SMILES create BRIGHER FUTURE!
Monday, April 30, 2018
Dental Implants Training Testimonial from Dr.Ankush for 73rd batch impla...
Dental Implant training testimonials from the participants.
For more information of dental courses you can contact:
Dr Sachdeva's Dental Aesthetic And Implant Institute,
I 101, Ashok Vihar Phase 1, Delhi- 110052
Contact us at
• Phone : +919818894041,01142464041
• Our Websites:
• www.sachdevadentalcare.com
• www.dentalclinicindelhi.com
• www.dentalimplantindia.co.in
• www.dentalcoursesdelhi.com
• www.facialaestheticsdelhi.com
• Google+ link: https://goo.gl/vqAmvr
• Facebook link: https://goo.gl/tui98A
• Youtube link: https://goo.gl/mk7jfm
• Linkedin link: https://goo.gl/PrPgpB
• Slideshare link : http://goo.gl/0HY6ep
• Twitter Page : https://goo.gl/tohkcI
• Instagram page : https://goo.gl/OOGVig
Dental Implant training testimonials from the participants.
For more information of dental courses you can contact:
Dr Sachdeva's Dental Aesthetic And Implant Institute,
I 101, Ashok Vihar Phase 1, Delhi- 110052
Contact us at
• Phone : +919818894041,01142464041
• Our Websites:
• www.sachdevadentalcare.com
• www.dentalclinicindelhi.com
• www.dentalimplantindia.co.in
• www.dentalcoursesdelhi.com
• www.facialaestheticsdelhi.com
• Google+ link: https://goo.gl/vqAmvr
• Facebook link: https://goo.gl/tui98A
• Youtube link: https://goo.gl/mk7jfm
• Linkedin link: https://goo.gl/PrPgpB
• Slideshare link : http://goo.gl/0HY6ep
• Twitter Page : https://goo.gl/tohkcI
• Instagram page : https://goo.gl/OOGVig
bone ring technique | bone augmentation in implants | dental implants tr...
Bone defects augmented with autogenous block from body of the mandible and then restored by #implantplacement.The patient’s treatment time is reduced by approx. five months compared with classical #boneblock #augmentation.
The second surgical procedure is no longer required. This can be performed on large three-dimensional bone defects in a single operation. So-called bone ring augmentation technique can be used today for almost all indications, also including #sinuslift.
bone ring technique | bone augmentation in implants | dental implants tr...
Bone defects augmented with autogenous block from body of the mandible and then restored by #implantplacement.The patient’s treatment time is reduced by approx. five months compared with classical #boneblock #augmentation.
The second surgical procedure is no longer required. This can be performed on large three-dimensional bone defects in a single operation. So-called bone ring augmentation technique can be used today for almost all indications, also including #sinuslift.
Monday, April 16, 2018
Periodontal health Men vs Women | Periodontal health | Oral Health | Gum...
Periodontal Services in Delhi.
A beautiful smile begins with strong and healthy #gums, which protect tooth roots and the jawbone from infection. It is Dr. Rajat Sachdeva’s mission to protect gum tissue from infection, preventing permanent damage, or restoring gums and teeth after eliminating bacteria. Our Dental practice offers a range of comprehensive procedures to care for your gums and teeth. We accept referrals and collaborate with general dentists to ensure our patients obtain full oral health.
Some of our treatments include:
• Periodontal Treatments
• Laser Treatments with Waterlase®
• Dental Sedation
• Dental Implant Placement
• Crown Lengthening
• Bone Grafting
We begin treatment with a thorough examination, where we take time to connect with patients and discuss their dental history. Our kind staff is warm and welcoming but provides effective treatment so your day is not interrupted. We offer you the same respect and care we reserve for our own families, paying individual attention to address your needs and listen to your concerns.
With all our procedures, we emphasize safety and cleanliness that supports a positive periodontal experience. It is our mission to deliver comfortable dental care in a pleasant environment, giving every patient their best opportunity to achieve lifelong oral health.
For more Information : Call Dr.Rajat Sachdeva +0919818894041
or Email : drrajatsachdeva@gmail.cm
Friday, April 13, 2018
Ozone therapy in dentistry : Ozone in dentistry : Minimally-Invasive, Bi...
#Ozone is a gas found naturally in the atmosphere. This gas kills bacteria, viruses and fungi within 5 seconds and because of this it is often used to control infections in hospitals. That also makes it very useful in #dentistry for killing the bacteria that cause decay and gum disease .
For more details Contact Dr.Rajat sachdeva
For more details Contact Dr.Rajat sachdeva
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Dental camps at old age home in delhi | INDIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION | DE...
Oral cavity is the most essential part for the overall well being of the individual but often the most neglected part too. So in order to educate about oral diseases and different ways to maintain oral hygiene we conduct free dental camps frequently.
The goal of our camp is to make the senior citizens aware about their oral cavity and to give necessary treatment free of cost.
Senior citizens are always at a greater risk of developing oral diseases so diagnosis is crucial in order to prevent its further progression. As timely diagnosing the health problem will only find the solution.
DAYA Foundation aims to make dental care available to all the neglected community.
We tend to encourage healthy dental practices including personal care and professional care. And to make people realize the real importance of dental health and about all the complications it could lead to.
Several initiatives are taken from our foundation to uplift the oral health of people by –
Educating people about their present state.
Timely screening all individuals to diagnose the oral condition.
Giving necessary preventive and therapeutic treatment at the correct time.
Promoting healthy habits.
We have all the latest technologies and equipments to diagnose and treat patients like:
• Portable Scanners
• Portable Scalers
• Portable Suctions
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Dental Implant Testimonial India | Full Mouth Reconstruction | Same Day...
Even with a great smile, missing teeth if not replaced can lead to additional dental problems. Getting a Dental Implant done, many people become a lot skeptical.
There are approximately 100 million people in India with one or more missing teeth. Now patients have a number of restorative options but none have proven to be as functionally effective and durable as dental implants.
These Implants are painless and worth everything and more than what you pay for it.
Give us a call at 01142464041 for an unforgettable smile.
Visit us on our facebook page at : https://www.facebook.com/dentalcoursesdelhi/?ref=bookmarks
or Connect with us on GPlus
Schedule an appointment using our website specifically for Dental Implants:
Refer your patients for: #Periodontology, #Implantology, Fixed & Removable Prosthodontics, Computer Guided Dental Implant Surgery, Zygomatic Implants
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